pondering my role in a bigger story

Thursday, June 05, 2008

books I've read in 2008

Overcoming the Five Dysfunctions of a Team: A Field Guide for Leaders, Managers, and Facilitators, Patrick Lencioni
Looking for God, Nancy Ortberg
Due South: Dispatches from Down Home, R. Scott Bruner

The Last Addiction, Sharon Hersh
Nurture, Lisa Bevere
Walking With God, John Eldredge
The Blue Star, Tony Earley
Crazy Sista Cooking: Cuisine & Conversation With Lucy Buffett, Lucy Buffett

Green Eggs and Ham, Dr. Seuss
The Five Dysfunctions of a Team, Patrick Lencioni

The Friday Night Knitting Club, Kate Jacobs
The Artist's Way, Julia Cameron
God's Silence, Franz Wright

Rammer Jammer Yellow Hammer, Warren St. John
Creole Thrift: Premium Southern Living Without Spending a Mint, Angela Parlange
Simplicity, Kim Thomas

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Blogger Karey Swan said...

Hey Amy, I just looked again at your list and I've got "Looking for God" and did start reading it. But with so many things to read, I didn't finish it yet.

The funny thing tho, is because of the cover picture and her talk of the movie "Soylent Green". I got and watched the movie from Netflix. I wanted to see the scene she described.

It seems lately, both with movies and an audio book, I've seen a variety of 'end of the world' scenarios - not planned! I'm waiting for "Children of God" audio book from the library, cuz I heard it's different from the movie, and I'm curious.

Monday, June 16, 2008 7:55:00 AM

Blogger Karey Swan said...

Oops, I meant "Children of Men", and I do have it I guess, but haven't listened to it yet.

Monday, June 16, 2008 7:59:00 AM

Blogger Karey Swan said...

And ... I need a recipe from you. And do we have an art meeting Wed?

Monday, June 16, 2008 8:00:00 AM

Blogger soul and culture said...

- How was Soylent Green? I've been curious about it, too. And I still need to see Children of Men.
- I have a bad habit of keeping a handful of books going at one time.
- Art meeting Wednesday from 5:30-6:40.
- I'll email you that recipe.

Monday, June 16, 2008 6:45:00 PM


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